This Friday was the last day of the thesis concept seminar. We had 3 minutes to present our progress of the two weeks, our findings and our pretotypes. I, personally, explained briefly my milestones or breakpoints of these two weeks, which were in the first week mainly of conceptual matter and under the theme sharpen + define:
defining target group
defining process
deciding on spatial installation
The second week was more of a practical matter and the theme was, accordingly, prototyping + formulating with the main milestones:
redefining research question
pretotype spatial
changing data set
pretotype digital
extending thesis
Additionally, I showed my spatial and digital pretotype, explained shortly my data set and on the last slide shortly my timetable for the coming weeks. In the afternoon, I used the time for formatting the extended thesis draft and its sources and references and adding pictures of example visualizations to the introductory part.