Mon, 05 - Fri, 09 03 18

This week started with a compulsory information event for all BA finals, organized by the Department of Design. The head Stefan Kreysler informed us about the exhibition regulations and things and processes to be aware of. Additionally, he introduced us to the available exhibition material and how to order the needed technical equipment and material. Another important point were the emergency exits and fire regulations.

Based on this information, I particularly focused on finding an appropriate room for my installation since there is few space for us all in the main exhibition rooms of Interaction Design and my project would interfere essentially with the work of the others in terms of sound, light setting and space needed. I have been dealing with this matter since the middle of February but with no satisfaying result. Now, I got Mirjam Steiner, who is a research assistant of the specification of Interaction Design, on my side who is helping me a lot and talks to the responsible people to get this thing straight. At this moment, we got several options. The main one is still room 5.D03, which is not really optimal since it is only available one week before the regular exhibition set-up starts. This is too less time since the room conditions play an essential role in the concept itself. Additionally, it is crucial for me to prototype and build, especially in the end of the process, right in the room to take the conditions into account. 

In terms of the process, I realized that I have turned away from a digital visualization which is followed by a spatial installation but rather been focusing on using the existing visualization by Noah Bubenhofer as a prototypical data plot to use it as a base for the spatial installation. I worked with the parameters and axes in order to understand the spatial mapping and use it as a general thought model to wrap my head around this specific research project and outcome. I also realized that I am coming back to that from time to time, even in mentorings to explain what I have been doing. Additionally, the answers of the questionnaires all pointed towards a spatial manifestation of this data set. 

Through discussions and talks I also realized that there is so much more potential in focusing completely on the spatial realization of this data set and that a digital intermediate visualization would not benefit to the project, nor help me essentially to derive a better concept. This concept-finding will be done and is partly already, without actively noticing, going on through analyzing and making sense from the results of the survey. Resulting from that I decided to leave the digital part out and rather focus on using the existing visualization as an exploratory prototype which, in combination with the survey, will lead to a spatial installation concept and, in the end, the realization of it.