Monday, 15 01 18

In the morning, we started off with our mid presentations, which should give a short overview on where we are right now. Additionally, it should reflect on the progress made so far and show a roadmap, which depicts our further proceedings. In my case, the last week and a lot of talks really clarified a lot and led to actually redefining my research question to a more precise one. I also presented my timetable, my current state with the prototype and its findings and my further milestones very briefly.


upcoming essential milestones

One main question or problem that I have to tackle is the following:

Since my main target group will be the researchers themselves, how can I address visitors to the exhibition as well and make them understand the data as well?

In the afternoon, I was focusing on getting into d3.js in order to create a digital pretotype for the final presentation on Friday. My main goal for the week is firstly, show my physical spatial pretotype with a more in-depth insight how it could work technically or with another data set (not just the geographical one) and secondly, come up with a basic Februarypretotype of a digital visualization, based on which I can conclude further proceedings for the prototype phase in Februray. Simultaneously, I want to finish two books, which deal with graphical visualization practice to gain basics which I need for the digital visualization and the evaluation of it. Those books are:

  1. Edward E. Tufte — The visual display of quantitative information
  2. Edward E. Tufte — Visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative